Internet Movie Clip Playback Requirements

Windows Operating System

- Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP or later operating system

- a browser configured to play the type of movie clip the traveler has posted (either MPG, AVI, MP4, MOV or WMV).

- In order to playback MOV clips, Windows systems must have the "Quicktime" plug-in installed.
  You can download it for free at

- In order to playback MP4 clips, Windows systems must have a browser plugin that supports MP4 video playback. The most recent version of "QuickTime" supports MP4, but earlier versions do not.
  You can download "Quicktime" for free at

Note: The file type and its size are listed above the clip's thumbnail.

Macintosh Operating System

- Macintosh OS 8.6 to 9.2, Macintosh OS 10.0 or later

- a browser with the QuickTime plug-in installed. QuickTime is included with Macintosh OS 10.0 or later.
  You can download it for free at for all systems.

- In order to playback WMV clips, Macintosh systems must have a WMV player installed. "WindowsMediaPlayer" from Microsoft will work, but Microsoft has announced that it will no longer upgrade "WindowsMediaPlayer" for Macintosh. However, you can download it for free at (under their 'other products' link). Instead, we recommend a product called "Flip4Mac WMV" which adds WMV support to QuickTime. This is a available at (free trial, small charge for permanent license).

Note: Earlier versions of QuickTime do not support MP4 video playback. Even if you already have QuickTime installed, you may have to install the free update if you need to playback MP4 video clips.